CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Pricing Overview
    In This Topic

    A Guide to the Best Pricing Option for your Business

    To help you decide what is the best pricing method for your business there are some things to consider before you start. Ask yourself:-

    How do you want to Price within CabMaster?

    Do you also want to price:-

    There are many pricing options within the CabMaster library providing a tremendous amount of flexibility. At the highest level, all cabinets have the capacity to contain a price. At a very simple level the price could be a fixed cabinet price.


    Do you want to Password protect pricing?

    If you have access to Library Catalog Manager, you can set your Catalog defaults to allow access to pricing options at Drawing level only if a password is provided. See tutorial on Pricing Password.


    Before Starting Tutorials 

    The tutorials are designed to simply explain each pricing method by using the least amount of cabinets/items to be priced and only the required categories are enabled. However, a combination of pricing methods can be used and therefore multiple categories would normally be enabled.

    The following are important and applicable to all tutorials:-

    Enable Category

    The Pricing > Pricing/Markups page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties is used to nominate your required pricing method/s and to ensure Cost price is calculated for selected categories.

    When you have selected a pricing method, you need to ensure that the relevant Categories are enabled, otherwise NO pricing with be calculated. This means that the relevant Use checkbox/s must be ticked to enable pricing calculations by CabMaster.

    Enabled Category on Pricing/Markups page

    Enabled Category on Pricing/Markups page

    Pricing defaults should be set up in the Catalog after you decide which method suits your business. However, it may be best to initially complete the tutorials using the Drawing Properties. See Catalog/Drawing Properties Overview


    Markup Levels and Sell Price

    The Pricing > Pricing/Markups page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties is also used to handle the Sell Price using markups (Level 1 to 4) which are applied to the combined cost of the enabled category.

    The Markup Percentage level used is dependent on the Pricing Schedule set on the Job Setup > Client page.

    See tutorial Pricing Markup and Sell Price for a simple example.


    Pricing Modules

    Be aware that if you choose an option, you need to be sure that pricing exists for it in the associated module as discussed in tutorials.

    The price of the cabinet is calculated from three areas/modules:-

    1. Library Catalog Manager - provides the carcass price.
    2. Hardware Manager - provides the price for the hardware that has been nominated in the cabinet setup.
    3. Materials Manager - provides the price for the material that has been selected in the design phase.
    Pricing entered in these three areas/modules will be set for all future drawings until manually overridden.


    A Guide to Tutorials

    Cabinet Retail

    The Pricing > Pricing/Markups page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties is used for Linear Pricing of cabinet groups i.e. Floor, Wall (includes Bench) and Tall.

    See tutorial Pricing Linear per Cabinet Type


    Design [PC Items]

    Design or Personal Choice [PC] Items are located in a Library called CM-Design and pricing is done in the Library Catalog Manager.

    See tutorial Pricing Design and Other Items

    This pricing method is only available with CabMasterPro or higher software licence.


    Linear Pricing per Cabinet

    The Pricing > Pricing/Markups page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties is used for linear pricing of cabinet groups.

    See tutorial Pricing Linear per Cabinet Type


    Fixed Price per Cabinet with Linear increase

    The Fixed Cost pricing method is accomplished in the Library Catalog Manager and is applied to each cabinet.

    A Linear price increase can be calculated by setting the initial Fixed Price per cabinet and with the option of adding a $amount based on incremented length.

    See tutorial Pricing Cabinet with Fixed Price

    This pricing method is only available with CabMasterPro or higher software licence.


    Hardware and Trim

    The Pricing > Materials/Hardware page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties is used for pricing:-

    Alternative Method to Price Hardware

    If no cost pricing has been set for hardware, i.e. price is $0, then you can enable and set a cost price on the Pricing > Settings page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    See tutorial Pricing Zero

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand



    The Pricing > Materials/Hardware page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties is used for measuring labour cost.

    There are four (4) ways to measure labour cost. Are you going to measure labour based on:-

    1. the time it takes for each part?
    2. the time it take to complete each task at cabinet level?
    3. a total labour cost per cabinet?
    4. the material square size of a part?

    See tutorials :-



    The Materials Manager allows you to combine many of the pricing options to construct the price for the following categories:-

    This pricing method would necessitate that every Material within every Group within every Type, that you wish to apply it to, is costed.

    There is, however, an alternative method to set the price of materials that haven't been costed - see drop section.

    Alternative Method to Price Material

    If no cost pricing has been set for a material, i.e. price is $0, then you can enable and set a cost price on the Pricing > Settings page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    See tutorial Pricing Zero

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand

    The following is a list of tutorials that discusses using the Materials Manager as a pricing method.

    Materials Manager

    This image relates to the following pricing methods.
    Materials Manager

    Materials Manager

    When you make changes to pricing in Materials Manager, the prices are stored in the Drawing.

    This means that if you make changes to pricing, these may not be reflected in your report, even if you Refresh. Enabling the Look Up Current Pricing option on the  Pricing > Settings page forces CabMaster to use any changed pricing.


    Non Design Items

    Freight, installations, rip-out, third party contractors are some examples of non design costs which may be applicable in a project.

    CabMaster manages these personal costs i.e. [PC Items], in the List View as an Extra Item.